✅How to Install?

We will show you how to install RAC correctly.

  1. Scritps startup

Starting scripts, it is important to put RedCodeAC at the top of all scripts even before your core or framework.

ensure RedCodeAC
# From here down all scripts
ensure screenshot-basic
  1. Resource for the screen capture system

For RedCodeAC to work well we recommend that you use the screenshot-basic resource as it is a resource that we have tested.

  1. Anticheat authentication to be able to verify your license

Open licensekey.txt and paste your license there.

  1. After starting the script and passing the verification system it is important to install the anticheat on the server console before the players log in.

To install the anticheat you must execute this command in the console /rac install

If in any comment you want to uninstall RAC you can use /rac uninstall before deleting this resource.

  1. After finishing the RAC installation you have to reboot the server to make it work properly.

Last updated